ISP Cube Guide

Credit Card Visa (Argentine)

First we go to the Clients tab (Sales> Customers), we look for who we will assign the credit card number to, and we display the data of the interested party. Then, we must enter the credit card number in the same place where the electronic payment number of any other entity would go (we clarify that the credit card number should ONLY go there).

It is important that “MONTHLY billing” has been done before continuing.

The image shows the credit card number that must be assigned in the part of the Electronic Payment Code (Customer Payment Code) of the customer.




We must take into account the means of payment assigned by default, which (in this case) must be Visa Credit.

Visa can NOT coexist within the field “Payment Code Elec.” with NO other means of payment.

Now we go to “Various > Automatic payments > Visa Credit” where we will load the data granted by Visa to complete the final stage of integration.


Take into account important points, for example:

  1. Within “MONTH” and “YEAR” the current period must be placed, as well as the current year, otherwise it will bring updated amounts.
  2. The system “takes” the TOTAL amount of the invoice.
  3. Once we have finished, we will click on the “Download” button and present the file to VISA.